Passive Fire Safety Protection
& Consultancy

Delivering fully compliant Passive Fire Safety Protection solutions

We are your trusted partner in Passive Fire Safety Protection.

Our 24/7 protection solutions are fully compliant with ever-tightening regulations, designed and implemented to keep your premises, workplaces, and homes safe, giving you peace of mind around the clock.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure owners, staff, and residents feel completely secure about fire safety at their premises, workplaces, and homes. Through our expertise in designing and implementing Passive Fire Protection systems, we provide continuous, unobtrusive protection for our clients, day in and day out.

An independent business dedicated to delivering Passive Fire Protection solutions that are fully compliant with an ever tightening regulatory environment. 

We deliver fully compliant Passive Fire Safety Protection solutions.

Founded in 2016, we are establishing ourselves as one of the leading Passive Fire Protection consultancies in the East of England.

Our solution to the prevalent issue of existing buildings not meeting current passive fire protection standards involves conducting thorough surveys to pinpoint areas lacking in compliance or adequate protection.

By providing a detailed roadmap for the necessary upgrades, we ensure that buildings are brought up to the required safety standards. Additionally, our Staff, Engineer Training Programs and apprenticeships are designed to equip facility managers and maintenance staff with the essential knowledge needed to maintain passive fire protection measures effectively.

This approach not only enhances the safety of the property and its occupants, but also empowers those responsible for its upkeep with the skills to identify and rectify potential issues swiftly, ensuring ongoing compliance and protection.

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Our Services

We offer the full suite of assessment and remediation services

Passive Fire Protection

Passive fire protection involves built-in measures within a building’s structure, that help prevent the spread of fire and smoke, providing crucial time for evacuation and minimising damage. This includes fire-resistant walls, floors, doors, and other components that form barriers against fire.

We can provide you with assessments and remediations.

Fire Compartmentation

At its core, fire compartmentation is about dividing a building into sections or compartments using fire-resisting walls, floors, and doors. Each compartment acts like a barrier, containing fire and smoke within a limited area. This containment slows down the spread of fire, giving occupants more time to evacuate safely, reducing damage to the structure, and allowing more time for the emergency services.

We can provide you with assessments and remediations.

Fire Risk Assessment

A fire risk assessment is a systematic process to identify fire hazards, evaluate the risks and implement measures to eliminate or reduce these risks to an acceptable level. It’s about proactively managing fire risks rather than reacting to incidents.

Fire Dampers

Fire dampers are devices installed in ductwork where it crosses through fire-resistance-rated walls or floors. Their sole purpose is to block the spread of flames and smoke through the ducts and compartments (walls and floors) when a fire occurs. They are designed to close when the heat reaches a specified temperature and triggers a fusible link or actuator.

We can provide you with assessments and remediations.

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Our Projects

No Fire Break Evident Under Raised Floor


Existing Milkman’s Hatch Created A Void


200 Fire Dampers Installed By Non-Certified Installer


Multiple Fire Breaches In The Plant Room


Dampers Shown On The Drawings Not Installed

North West London

Many Fire Compartmentation Issues In Hospital


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